Saturday, July 30, 2011


After missing a run this week, I am six miles from Van Buren.  I discovered today that I look at the world through many different lenses.  Getting up late this morning “forced” me to go to the local grocery store for some coffee because making and drinking the three mugs I usually drink would have taken far too long.  On the way in I saw a man and a woman speaking to each other.  Hearing their conversation and looking at their body language it took only a second to realize they were flirting.   I wanted to talk to them to find out how long they had been thinking about each other.  That is what struck me about the lenses.   In searching for ideas about this blog I wanted to find something interesting.

Seeing the world through the running set of lenses has brought out amazing new things in me.  Made me look at almost everything differently.  Looking at vacation pictures of others makes me want to go there to run with the local groups; maybe take a cross country run through whatever mountain they are on.  From knowing how to look at the world through the anti-running set of lenses I used to wear, these are a ton of fun.

On the schedule today was a five and a half mile interval session at dawn.  Mile and a half warm up, 2x800 with a 400 recovery, mile, 2x800 with 400 recovery, and a mile and a half cool down.  With the delayed schedule, dawn was 11:00am.  Walking up to the track I could see the heat waves irradiating from its surface, called the Schlieren effect.  I did half of it.  I don’t run well in the heat.  But that set of lenses I have that helps me make sensible decisions told me it was prudent to bail.  Three miles from Van Buren.  I will see downtown tomorrow.

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